Aercap TI Junior Kids

Aercap TI Junior Kids

aercap TI Junior Kids

TI Junior Kids aim is to develop more players from grassroots with good fundamentals by creating coach education support and to develop smart competitors by having appropriate competition for all.


The Aercap TI Junior Kids programme provides a framework for:

  • Competitions (appropriate competition for all);
  • Coach education & support (frameworks & pathways with practical content)


The objectives of the programme include:

  • Getting children interested and excited about tennis from the start by creating a fun, player centred and effective learning environment
  • To increase the number of children playing competition by creating more appropriate competition for all
  • Develop good fundamentals through coach supports

Tennis Ireland would like to thank Sport Ireland for their support in this initiative through the Resilience funding received.


Local Tour

Introduction to tennis competition, fun and accessible (in your club).  Most of the time kids will compete as a team and it caters for all levels of play with no serious scoring

Regional Tour

This will be a players first individual experience, The format will be non-elimination and last approx. 2 hours long, (in your region). Speak to your coach on whether your son/daughter is ready to compete.

National Tour

Quick scoring formats (fast 4, round robins) and a winner will be selected. The National tour is for orange and green ball only. Green ball is a 1 or 2-day competition and often runs at the same time as some of the National Junior events.

Player passports

Players can apply for a passport when they show ability to play out of age group.

To qualify:

Competing on the regional tour, only your coach can apply, video applications to your performance officer.

Development Club Log In

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.