Updates to the Rules and Regulations for the conduct of Official Tournaments

Updates to the Rules and Regulations for the conduct of Official Tournaments

Updates to the Rules and Regulations for the conduct of Official Tournaments

Tennis Ireland is pleased to announce the release of an updated version of the Regulations for the Conduct of Official Tournaments, effective 1st June 2024.

The complete updated Rules and Regulations document can be found on the Tennis Ireland website at:
https://www.tennisireland.ie/competitions/tournaments/rules-and-regulations under ‘Tennis Ireland Regulations’.

Tennis Ireland encourages all players, parents, coaches and officials, to familiarize themselves with the revised rules.

Key highlights of the updated Rules and Regulations can be found in the document below: https://www.tennisireland.ie/wp-content/uploads/2024/06/Tennis-Ireland-Regulations_Major-Alterations_1st-June-2024.pdf

The Tennis Ireland Code of Conduct can be found in the document below:

Code-of-Conduct.pdf (tennisireland.ie)

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