Tennis Ireland Welcomes Major Funding Boost for Tennis Clubs Nationwide

Tennis Ireland Welcomes Major Funding Boost for Tennis Clubs Nationwide

Tennis Ireland Welcomes Major Funding Boost for Tennis Clubs Nationwide

Tennis Ireland is delighted to announce that tennis clubs across the country have been awarded vital funding under the Government’s Community Sport Facilities Fund, with a total allocation of €6.5 million. This investment in tennis infrastructure will support clubs in upgrading their facilities, promoting inclusivity, and ensuring the sport is more accessible to communities nationwide.

This significant funding will play a key role in sustaining and growing tennis in Ireland, providing the resources necessary to develop participation at grassroots and competitive levels. With this support, clubs will be empowered to create better environments for players of all ages and abilities.

Speaking on behalf of Tennis Ireland, CEO Kevin Quinn expressed his enthusiasm: “This funding is a tremendous boost for tennis in Ireland, and we couldn’t be more thrilled for the clubs who will benefit. It will allow us to continue to sustain and grow the sport, while providing facilities that inspire people to pick up a racket and enjoy tennis. With this support, we are laying the foundation for future success in participation, development, and inclusivity.”

Tennis Ireland would like to extend its sincere thanks to Minister for Sport Thomas Byrne, the Government, and Sport Ireland for their ongoing commitment to tennis and sport across the country. Their work has been instrumental in promoting physical activity and ensuring that sports like tennis receive the attention and resources they deserve.

There has been significant growth in the funding allocated to tennis over the last number of years, reflecting the increasing recognition of the sport’s importance in promoting health, wellbeing, and community engagement. We look forward to continuing this upward trend and ensuring tennis remains a central part of the sporting landscape in Ireland.

More information can be found on Sport Ireland.

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